The Challenge
It’s always nice to get a challenge you haven’t been faced with before. This was certainly one of those. Recently we completed work on a new instructional video for private jet company, Netjets. The task was to produce a video designed to educate their crew on how to measure themselves for uniforms. It required us using a whole host of tricks. These included a bit of AI video production to get to the final product.
Working with our partners Studio 104 and 9Lazy9, POV’s Leigh Emmerson directed the shoot at London’s Cherry Duck Studios.

The Shoot
We shot on a Red camera with DOP Steve Weiser. We also had a makeup artist and wardrobe specialists to support our professional models. To add an extra level of kinetic energy, the team used track and dolly and a huge turn table large enough to take a person.
Tricks we employed during the shoot included using bulldog clips to ensure clothing is tight and smooth. We also utilised that huge turn table to mimic the effect of an orbital camera track.
Post Production
POV post produced the final films at our Farnham facility, adding motion graphics and colour grading.

One of the challenges was to use motion graphics to ensure measurements were clear for the viewer and then to show them how to use the company’s own charts to select the correct size garment.
We went through a number of iterations before settling on a design that was both clear to understand, attractive and complemented the published charts viewers would be referring to.
A. I. to the rescue
The client made the creative decision to change the direction our models, Morgan and Harry, were looking in one of the shots. As we didn’t have any alternative takes with them looking down the lens, we used artificial intelligence or AI to change the eye-line of both performers in post production. This is something that wouldn’t even have been possible a year ago.

The Result
The two completed videos run for approximately 2 minutes each and allow the client a way of efficiently distributing uniform to their staff without the need for them to travel to a fitting.