Amazing as it might seem it’s actually been ten whole years this week since Persistence of Vision Productions Limited first started trading. We don’t know where the time has gone but would like to thank everyone who has helped make us a success. Particularly our loyal clients some of whom we have been working with for the whole of those ten years.
Whilst the business is evolving with advances in the technology and ventures like our sister company being launched, POV’s core values and beliefs haven’t changed and we’re still here to produce exceptional quality, challenging and engaging visual content for a brilliant price.
As it’s our birthday we’d like to say thank you by offering any of our current or past clients the opportunity to get one more copy (DVD or web upload) of any of the projects we’ve done with them over the last ten years. That’s one copy per client.
If you’d like to take us up on this offer, just drop us an email or click on the contact section of our website.
Thanks again and we look forward to at least another ten years challenging and interesting projects.